domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015


Un año más los alumnos del Colegio Padre Feijoo Zorelle inundan las calles de Ourense participando en la carrera popular más importante de la provincia, con más de 150 participantes de todos los niveles educativos (Educación Infantil, Primaria Secundaria y Bachillerato). Además estamos enormemente orgullosos del papá de uno de nuestros alumnos, Rayan de 1º de Educación Primaria, quien ha quedado CAMPEÓN de esta carrera tan prestigiosa.
Enhorabuena a todos los participantes de parte del colegio!!!

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015


El pasado fin de semana se celebraba en la locadidad de Villaviciosa de Odón (Madrid), la Copa de España de Jiujitsu. El profe superaba todas las eliminatorias hasta quedar campeón. Este torneo es el último previo a la preparación del mundial que se celebrará en Tailandia durante los días 17 a 23 de Noviembre de 2015. TODO ESTÁ PREPARADO...


The short answer is "Come by for a free group workout and see for yourself!"
The definition of CrossFit is "Constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement." To understand this better we can break it down:

  • CONSTANTLY VARIED: Always changing the workouts, never letting your body adapt. This is why CrossFit is great for getting results. Your body never gets used to anything so you never reach those plateaus.
  • HIGH INTENSITY : This is where many misconceptions about CrossFit come from. Many people think intensity is screaming and yelling and looking like you are going to pop a vain in your neck. This is not intensity although it may sometimes be the result of intensity. Intensity is the act of creating power (power = force multiplied by distance divided by time). In basic language we are saying power/intensity is how much weight you can move over the longest distance in the shortest amount of time. Our goal is to creat people who can run farther, move more wight, do more push-ups, flip a tire faster, all while of course maintaining proper form and technique.
  • FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENTS : Are movements humans were built for. Movements that are natural and safe. Movements we use in everyday life such as squating, deadlifting, pulling yourself up, etc. This is NOT standing on a Bosu ball on one leg doing bicep curls. This is NOT sitting in a machine that holds you in place while you execute a movement that isolates one muscle leaving your body unbalanced with useless strength. These are movements that promote neurological and hormonal responses, leading to better health, actual strength, actual core stability, agility, and flexibility.


Los alumnos del colegio, en la preparación de la carrera popular más importante de la provincia "San Martiño", han trabajado duramente: sesiones de juegos de resistencia, fartlek, interval training, y este año como novedad y ya que está de moda un entrenamiento tipo Crossfit. Estamos preparados.... la carrera nos espera, mucho ánimo para todos.